Regrowing Gum Tissue Naturally

Gingival recession: causes, symptoms and natural remedies The inflamed gums are a fairly common problem. When the gums become inflamed , they swell and become red instead of the usual pinkish color. Click here
Inflamed gums: causes and symptoms This inflammation can also cause pain and bleeding; it appears more easily when you brush your teeth or floss. The inflamed gums may be due to a number of issues such as gingivitis, infections, nutritional deficiencies, or pregnancy . Other common causes include poorly fitted dental prostheses or other dental appliances, excessive smoke, sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash, incorrect brushing or incorrect use of dental floss.
Gum Regrowth Treatment

Pain and swelling of the gums can be alleviated with proper dental hygiene and oral home remedies. However, in case of swollen gums and symptoms that persist for more than two weeks, it is advisable to schedule a visit to the dentist. Today many people suffer from inflamed gums also due to poor oral hygiene. This problem can over time also turn into periodontitis, ie a small space is formed between the gum and the tooth where plaque and tartar accumulate over time. But there are other possible causes. Here are some: - Genetic and family factors. - Vitamin C deficiency - Bruxism, or the grinding of the teeth, which occurs during sleep.
Gum Regrowth

- Bad habits like smoking, lip piercing or small traumas produced by ourselves, when for example we put the pen in our mouth, leaving it in contact with the gums. The consequences of a gingival recession are different and have increased levels of pressure. Gingival recession and periodontitis Gingival recession is often a symptom of a more serious problem, which is called periodontitis. It is an infection of the 'periodontal', ie the tissue complex that supports the tooth (gums, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and root cement). The polymicrobial infection is due to the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. The same bacteria are responsible for plaque and tartar. The pathology is generally linked to poor oral hygiene, namely the fact of not properly brushing the teeth, continuously.

Natural Gum Regrowth

Periodontitis has several symptoms: the gums no longer have their typical pink complexion and tend to redden; they are also swollen and bleed spontaneously. Another recurring symptom is heavy breath, which persists even after brushing teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste. Natural remedies for gingival inflammation Here are the best natural remedies to treat inflamed gums.
How To Regrow Gum Tissue Naturally?

- Hot and cold wraps Make warm and cold compresses: they can provide quick relief to the inflamed and swollen gums, as they help to reduce pain and swelling. It is necessary to press the hot and cold compresses against the face but not directly on the swollen gums. Soak a clean cloth in hot water squeezing the excess liquid, hold it against your face for 5 minutes, then wrap a frozen bag or ice in a thin towel and hold it against your face until the area becomes numb. Then repeat steps 2 or 3 times, and use this remedy several times, if necessary. - Salt water The salt is another effective remedy for sore gums, as it helps to reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth and prevent infections that may contribute to the appearance of various oral health problems.
Regrowing Gum Tissue

After brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush, gently rub the gums with salt for a few seconds, and rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this step once a day: the gums after this treatment will be healthy again. Keep using this remedy for a few weeks to prevent the appearance of the problem. Another option is to add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth twice a day until the swelling passes. Hydrogen peroxide The hydrogen peroxide, also known as hydrogen peroxide, helps to reduce the inflammation of the gums and pain. It can also help kill germs and fight oral problems. For more info
For oral health, use only solutions containing 3% hydrogen peroxide, and mix it in equal parts with water. Then pass the solution around the teeth and gums for 30 seconds, and rinse with warm water. You can also mix a teaspoon of baking-soda with hydrogen-peroxide to create a paste, to spread on the gums. Wait a minute and then rinse your mouth with fresh water, making sure not to swallow the hydrogen peroxide. Turmeric The turmeric is a good natural remedy for swollen gums.
Regrowing Gums Tissue

Turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities that can help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Furthermore, it prevents the spread and proliferation of bacteria that cause various oral problems. Just add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a little water to create a paste, to be applied on the gums with a clean finger and leave for 5 minutes, then gently massage for 1 minute. Rinse the mouth with lukewarm water and repeat the operation twice a day for 1 or 2 weeks. - Black tea bags Black tea bags have properties that can help reduce inflammation of the gums. Furthermore, their antioxidant properties promote good oral health. Just put a sachet of black tea in boiling water for 2 or 3 minutes, remove it and let it cool at a temperature tolerable for the gums. Keep the tea bag on the affected gum area for 10 minutes, then rinse your mouth with a warm salt water solution, repeating the procedure once a day for a couple of days. - Aloe Vera Another effective remedy for the treatment of inflamed gums and their bleeding is aloe vera. This plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can prevent bacteria growth in the oral cavity. Cut a leaf of aloe vera to get the gel, and with a clean finger, rub it on the gums, massaging gently for 1 or 2 minutes and rinsing with warm water. Keep using the treatment a couple of times a day until you notice an improvement.
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